Monthly Art Chat : October Come on in all welcome

Robin redbreast, original woodblock print

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Glad you are feeling better Max, I havenā€™t been on the PC much this weekend either, too busy doing other things and stiching! :smile:

Lovely work everyone, will try to pop in tonight to catch up.

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This is what I painted today.

6x4 inch Owl in hot wax. Hubby says (in fun) my fences always look like they need mending I think they are just rustic lol

Not listed yet Iā€™m on my phone so hope you can see my picture ok :slight_smile:


evening all, I forgot to mention our lotto syndicate won Ā£700 last week so I had a little wndfall of Ā£65, treated myself to some Rembrandt pastels (they were recommended by someone who uses them professionally!) just arrived in the ppost canā€™t wait to give them a whirl :art:

loving the owl Hazel.

Your Robin and crocus print is fab Matt

love the new salt clingfilm style Brenda, very pretty

Very cross looking owl Hazel, I love the way youā€™ve done the feathers.

Well done on the lottery win Max, enjoy your Rembrandt pastels! :smile:

Yes he is Margaret lol itā€™s really hard to get the face right ā€¦ I think heā€™s a bit grumpy he had his face wiped off a couple off times !!!

Well done on the win Max - enjoy your pastels - nice to have a treat :slight_smile:

Morning Everyone what are you up to today?

Whoā€™s got some new art to show?

This thread needs some chat ā€¦

Iā€™ve had a new commission - a associate of hubbies has asked me to paint two of my silhouette style pieces to give as Christmas gifts ā€¦ Iā€™m not painting them today but soon :slight_smile:

Iā€™m off to run some errands and go to the post office, still no sales from folksy sadley !!!

Catch up with you all later


This thread does need livening up a bit! Iā€™ll see if I can photograph how Iā€™m doing with my sewing and show you that. Iā€™ve got several on the go at the moment.

Thatā€™s great Margaret and yes we need livening up I think so too :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll show my Rainbow Tree of Life ACEO ā€¦ is bright and colourful thats for sure :smile:


Morning ladiesā€¦the sun is shining here today and the sea looks calmā€¦maybe time to paint.
I will show one of the three that I painted yesterdayā€¦


Brenda thatā€™s wonderful, it really does look like itā€™s snowing - thatā€™s not easy to achieve!

Pretty tree Hazel.

Margaret itā€™d be lovely to see your sewing progress.

Weā€™re on half term here so Iā€™m out and about quite a bit. Iā€™m starting to feel like I need to paint something though, not had the paints out since Friday! Iā€™ve been rather headachy the last few days, hope I can shake it off soon, I donā€™t like taking meds but think Iā€™ll have to have something to help get rid.

Meanwhile, Iā€™ve launched a gift ideas pinned post on facebook, do please add any of yours to it here

And Iā€™ve finally got round to taking proper photos of my robins and have listed the first one


Stephie, that is lovelyā€¦the eye is really brilliant tooā€¦
the snow in my scene was just splattered but you have to use white gouache or acrylic or it doesnā€™t show up properlyā€¦
I watched a Joanne Boon Thomas dvd at the weekend ā€¦I love her workā€¦and I nearly fell off my chair when I saw how cruel she was to her paint brushes !!! She almost squashes them into the paper.!! I think I must be far too gentleā€¦lol

Love the snow scene Brenda

Fab robin Stephie and I have the gift idea on FB is nice - I have now commented again thank you :slight_smile:

And Yay Iā€™ve had a folksy sale :slight_smile:
Nothing to do with folksy though, itā€™s a miniaturist via facebook as I promoted my rose this morning and it sold. A lovely lady who helped us with lighting when we originally built my Gallery so that was nice :slight_smile:

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Congratulations on the sale, Hazel!
Waving to everyone! :smile:
Iā€™m trying to work on loads of projects at the moment and donā€™t seem to be able to get onto the thread, paint, sew and knit simultaneously, so sorry that I have been absent recently!!
Hereā€™s a new one from me, in a more contemporary styleā€¦


A lovely painting Pam and a great idea for a Christmas ACEO :slight_smile:

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Great work Pamā€¦I have been busy paintingā€¦need to stock up with items to listā€¦
I only have 32 reading and waitingā€¦lolā€¦
I have all these boxes full of paintings that are listed in different placesā€¦plus large paintings in a portfolio case and smaller (big) ones in a file bookā€¦ good job I am well organizedā€¦(I think)

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I started this thread a while ago ā€¦

Please will you add your art ā€¦

Thanks Hazel

@ClareSherwen @bluebeezy
@teabreaks @paperchainsandbeads @phoenixprojects @Coloursandtextures
@StephanieGuy @twinkleandgloomart @littleRamstudio @Rozcraftz

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Thanks, Hazel! Have added my Christmas ACEO to your thread. :grinning:

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I wish I had loads of stock ready, Brenda! Iā€™m hoping that Iā€™ll have a bit more time next week and will be able to have a few little paintings to list by then. I donā€™t know where the time is going to at the moment! :slight_smile:

This is a very Christmassy thread today! Love the snowy scene Brenda, the robin is fab Stephie and Pam, thatā€™s a very pretty scene.

As promised, hereā€™s how some of my needlework is getting on. Iā€™m not showing my poppy tapestry today, it should be finished soon and Iā€™ll show it then. Hereā€™s my cat, getting some foliage and flowers around his head

Iā€™m also doing a small long stitch piece which fits the Christmassy theme nicely :smile:

Progress on everything is slow with working and doing stuff for the parents, but I do love my stitching!