New and hoping my shop is displaying items now

New and hoping my shop is displaying items now
Was told before I had no active items when I was sure I did do active items go inactive if a item is bought?

Look on your Manage Listings on your Dashboard and check your Draft folder. Sometimes it’s easy to leave a new listing in here when you think you have completed the listing and made it active.

I’m afraid your shop still looks empty to me.
I know when I started listing items I’d look at my previewed listing page and then forget I hadn’t clicked the last little button to finalise it. Hopefully like Joy says, they might all be sitting draft listings just waiting to be activated.

When you create a new listing make sure you have filled in all the boxes and added pictures. Then click on ‘Preview’ listing to make sure you are happy with it, and you must then click on the green ‘List item’ button to actually list it. If you don’t then it just sits in your ‘Drafts’ folder.

I find this very strange because when I view dashboard says 30 active but I have alot people saying they don’t see anything when they view my shop /items
I will recheck the drafts and make sure but puzzled

Hi - when you said you have a new shop, is this profile that you are posting in the forums the same as your new shop, or does it belong to an older shop maybe?

So are you posting in the forums under the old shop name, but when your pc transfers you to the main website, it might be automatically switching you can to the new shop?

That happened to me when I ran two shops side by side for a while. I had to remember to post in the forums under my ‘new’ shop name.

Hi heidimeier I will check this now

Your right for some reason some how it’s linked me to a different account saying I am top radz when on folksy I’m under shelves uk very wierd
I must made this account previous to my normal account not to sure why it’s logged me on to the chat via this account thou unless my phone’s saved the account thank you ill deactivate this one and repost on my other account thank you all for the help

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Look forward to seeing something soon,good luck hope you get it sorted.

No worries @TopRadz/ @Shelvesuk.

It’s probably just the cookies setting on your phone - I must admit technology drives me a bit mad sometimes, it gets too clever for its own good! :smile: