Not receiving paypal email

I think there may have been a discussion about this recently but I can’t find it!

I had an order this evening (woohoo - lots of happy dancing :slight_smile: ) and received the 2 emails from Folksy, one to say I had a sale and one to say they had paid by paypal. If I log in to my paypal account the payment shows as confirmed but I have not received the usual email from paypal, its usually the first of the three to come through. I assume as the payment is showing in my account it is ok to send the order. Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem.

I placed two orders today not on folksy but did not receive the email to say I had paid must be a problem with paypal

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I bought something earlier today and its taken 4 1/2 hours for the receipt email to come through from paypal when normally it only takes minutes so I think they are having issues with their system.

My notification emails came in about 5 hours late today too, yet I transfered the money the moment it arrived and the email to tell me I had made a transfer was instant- so a very specific problem it seems.

I think PayPal are having a go slow moment again.
It’s take 4hrs for emails to come through saying I brought afew bits.

My receipt came through late, and then a payment from a sale on eBay came through from the wrong email address so it does seem as if something’s gone a bit wonky.

I had an order this evening and the Paypal one was at least half an hour after the two Folksy emails which is unusual. Paypal must be on a go slow.

I had a sale notification from Folksy this morning but neither of the two follow-up emails has arrived yet so I don’t know if there’s a PayPal problem or the buyer simply hasn’t paid yet.

Woke up this morning to find it in my inbox - must be a problem their end. Thanks all.

If they’ve paid you it will show on your order page as paid.

Looks as though they haven’t then. I’ll leave it till tomorrow and see what happens. I think people sometimes use their shopping basket as a wish list!

If you leave it until tomorrow then they won’t be able to pay the easy way which is using the link in the email they received. That is only valid for 24hours. I always send an email long before that offering to assist if they have a problem.

when i have bought something from ebay yesterdy, the paypal receipt came through hours later - it used to come thorugh straight away so there seems to be general delays i think.

Thank you Joy, I’ll do that now.

Interesting - it turns out that the buyer’s email address is not valid!

Sometimes It’s just mistyped and you can work out what it should be - maybe ends in ‘couk’ instead of ‘’ but whatever the reason they won’t have received the email from Folksy so they won’t be able to use the payment link to get back in… so you might as well cancel it now (they won’t receive the cancellation email either).
Hopefully if they were genuine and it was a mistyped email they will come back to you later and do it properly next time.
I have asked Folksy about validating emails but they say they can’t. A lot of sites ask you to type it twice (and inhibit pasting on the repeat) to verify it.

I had a sale show on my dashboard yesterday evening and the item has gone from my shop, but haven’t had either the ‘Congratulations so and so has bought …’ email or a notification of payment email. Need to check Paypal when hubby home from golf. Last two sales I only received the notification of payment email. Strange!

If they’ve paid you it will show on your order page as paid.

If it shows as paid (= awaiting shipping) in your order then it will have been paid. If it shows as awaiting payment then it 100% has not regardless of emails received or not received. Good luck hope it has gone through.

If it hasn’t and you wait to chase the customer until your husband gets home the 24 hour link on the email for payment will probably expire.

An odd little anomaly you may not have noticed is that whatever it is will now show in your Sold items and will stay that way even if you cancel the order and it gets returned to stock. Just saying :smile:

My stuck sale has now gone through thanks to your advice Joy @JOYSofGLASS. It was indeed down to a typo in the original email address and once I was able to contact the customer she was keen to go ahead. This is what I love about Folksy, there’s always someone there to help!

Patricia Really pleased to help. I spent 25+ years in IT, quite a lot of it sorting out my customer’s problems so am always happy to do a bit more customer support :slight_smile: :slight_smile: