I ordered from another folksy customer today and I received a notification from paypal but none from folksy . Anybody else have bother today?
I never get notification from Folksy! Mx
aw maybe I 've got it wrong then? I thought I used to
I get 2 notifications from Folksy.
1 with the order and then the next one has the order again and the address of the customer. Then I get one off Paypal.
I haven’t had any probs today.
Just edited to say that I haven’t had any probs because I haven’t had any orders today : ) he he.
Sadly I havn’t had a sale today but I always get 3. Two from Folksy and one from Paypal
I think Diane was talking about buying in this case, not selling? I bought some items a couple of days ago and received a notification saying “Thank you for buying on Folksy today” together with the detail of my purchases and the seller’s despatch estimate.
gah yes Julie you are right. I completely misread Diane’s post.
Sorry Diane.
yes I was buying today . I think I should have had notification, maybe it was a blip!
Diane, I had the same problem with a purchase yesterday. It shows up on paypal but no e-mail from folksy. There were some server glitches yesterday (which I believe are resolved now), where transactions/ page loads etc were timing out. I wonder if this might be connected. @Sianfolksy could the lack of confirmation e-mails be connectex with the server time-out problem?
@LizzieMade hmm, maybe, but don’t think so. Could be a number of things. If you are missing recent transactional emails @dianesdecoupage @MaggieGeeNeedleworkStudio could you please contact support and we can check if they have been sent. Bear in mind we can usually only check records for the last 7 days.
Contact us through http://folksy.uservoice.com or email support@folksy.com
I also haven’t had a sale notification from Folksy in months and only find out about a sale through the Paypal email.
I just assumed Folksy had stopped sending them.
Sarah x
Hawww!!! So did I then!!! I HAVE had notifications when I’ve BOUGHT! Lol! Mxx