Problem with shop counter

Has it broken again only it’s read zero for the last 2 days and I know items in my shop have been viewed on Monday and Tuesday.

Same here Eileen - felt very blue seeing that big fat zero :cry:

Thankfully GA told another story :smile:

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Thank goodness not just me!
Rosalind x

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I’m new here( waving hello) and I know that at least 2 people have favourited my little shop and the counter says 0? Confused?

I too have seen the dreaded “zero” views for the past few days. I felt a little unloved and deflated. Its a relief the counter maybe on the blink again :wink:
I’m going to check my google analytics later to see what’s what :grinning:

Karen :strawberry:

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I know how you felt, when I saw the zero on Tuesday I felt very down then I had a friend phone and say she’d been looking in my shop and how many wonderful items I had.


I thought something must be up… I’ve had 0 views for the last two days but magically still managed to sell 3 prints!!

If you look at the top right hand corner it say’s last updated on Sunday or at least mine does so that shows its not working again.


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Mmmmm, last year this seemed to be happening on a weekly basis!!! , but thought that it had all been sorted . I don’t check personal viewing figures quite so often these days , Summer generally tends to be a quieter time for me , but admit I did a double take at a big fat zero !!! Hopefully it’s a very temporary glitch ! :wink:

Really glad that I saw this thread. I only stocked my shop yesterday and was beginning to despair when I checked and saw the counter said I had no views. I shall be patient and hope that when it’s fixed that it shows someone has actually looked at my shop :smile:

Well spotted Pauline I’ve just had a closure look mmmm shows I didn’t look properly oopps

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Phew! Have been in panic mode these last few days. Hadn’t noticed the “last updated” bit.

Looks like it may be sorted now. I’ve just looked and mine is now showing last up dated was Wednesday.
