Hi there, I’m shopping around for public liability insurance prior to a craft fair and wondering what the best prices are. Just been quoted £80 for 12 months from Ceta, which I think is steep. I’ve seen in an older post that Axisweb are cheap so will give them a try but any other suggestions are welcome! Thanks, Katherine
I use G M Imber and Sons £50 pa public and product liability.
CMTIA, about £50 for a year
I use Direct line costs about £5 a month
I use Ian Wallace which is around £80 too. I also recommend you check the T&Cs as some state you have to sell a certain percentage at fairs in order to be covered or will not automatically include cover for selling to the US for example.
Totally, check the terms. Nothing is more frustrating that having to claim and finding out that you aren’t covered for your own losses.
Sam x
If you quailfy then the insurance offered with membership of the artists network a-n.co.uk is the cheapest around
Hi Deborah , I am looking for product liability as well as public . Will give you insurance company a try . For folksy is that all the cover needed ? Thank you for your help,Suzanne .
Hi Suzanne, I don’t think Folksy requires us to be covered.
Lots of fairs do though, the policy I have with G M imber is the Craftinsure-starter, it has a few restrictions, it doesn’t cover sales to the USA and you need to earn under £20.000 from on-line sales (it doesn’t matter how much you earn from fairs or other sales on top though)
I have never had to claim, so don’t know what they are like if push comes to shove.
Thank you Deborah , I will definitely get in touch with them on Monday . That’s what I am looking for . Suzanne x.
Thanks for this Deborah, I’ve just phoned G M Imber and they’re sending me a form to fill out, and quoted £50 for £5 million coverage for craft fair selling. As for my online shop goods, I’ll just have to make sure I make them so well they’ll not spontaneously combust in people’s faces for the time being.