Anyone else finding their shop really quiet this month? Had 3 sales from same customer on the 3rd but nothing since, usually average about 8 a month - last May was a bumper month for me. Hardly any views either which is more worrying than lack of sales.
Hi dawn.
Iv found this month slow. I have had 3 sales too. Usually have about 6-8
A month.
Funny thing is my views are quiet high think it must just be a slow month.
Hopefully it will pick up after the summer holidays.
Yep, dead, dead, dead! I have not had anything for a few weeks now. I’m ditching Etsy and was really hoping Folksy can Help us get our name out there? I have started a new shop elsewhere where they help promote you but its new and has a few teething problems. But they help, but here…nothing. I understand its just a selling platform, but some ads somewhere would be nice. An active Facebook page maybe?? Free business card download, anything. I know they do make sales here, people have said, this is them bringing people here though and not Folksy bringing peoples to search. Or at least this is what it looks like, maybe someone can say I’m wrong and we do get genuine searches???
You maybe included in your view count mind? @hobbitgirlie1880 as if you look at GA and you will see yourself viewing!
This month has been eerily quiet. I’m still promoting the same as before, but there just isn’t a lot happening at the moment.
Fingers crossed things pick up for us all soon.
I’ve sold some clasps & a necklace but it is hardly rocketing. I was wondering if it is the stuff I make & have some new items I am working on that are totally different from any of the items Mum & I have made before. We are also going to indulge our passion for other crafts too. So hopefully some other items to list soon too & perhaps that will generate more interest.
Looking back at my sales over the last 4 years April and May are always the quietest months on-line, along with October some years.
Perhaps people spend time and money on their gardens or plan for summer holidays?
I have noticed my sales through bricks and mortar shops pick up at this time - so maybe people are just getting out and about more and change their shopping venues accordingly.
It’s good to spread yourselves about a bit with on-line, fairs and b+m shops.
Sales for me had been fairly good up until mid April - only one sale since on here - nothing on Ety or Eby so I think its quiet everywhere. Am hoping the fairs Ive booked for the summer will help.
Folksy have been in the press recently - it was posted about on here. They do have an active FB page with 52.5k “likers” and also have an active Twitter account with #folksyhour every tuesday. You can also get 50 free business cards from Moo too (just pay for p&p).
I too would like to see Folksy in the mainstream press a lot more, but thought I’d at least let you know about the above as that may help.
To back up Liz’s comment, I managed to get folksy to feature one of my items on their facebook page (it was a special necklace for the solar eclipse), it got lots of likes and a couple of shares on facebook. I also got an increased number of views to my shop, likes to my facebook page and the item got favourited a couple of times so their facebook followers are active ones.
And as for genuine searches - I’ve sold items to people who I’ve not promoted to so I’m inclined to say yes Folksy do bring in customers themselves. And they are currently running a limited trial of the paid google shop ads which if it proves successful they will expand which will help bring in additional customers to the site.
I have had no sales since November last year so not good at all feeling quite deflated but trying to remain positive
wishing you all some sales. x Debbie
I’ve had no sales since 7th January
Makes me feel a little better others are quiet too
I think its a case of, well, what can we do? I’m not convinced twitter brings me any sales!
#folksyhour has certainly helped me realise that just posting up links or images of my makes isn’t enough and it’s actually been quite fun to chat to other people. I realised I need to work on developing my personality online and be more social on social media. It doesn’t come naturally to me, and I sometimes feel like an idiot. It’s also very time consuming, but I suppose that’s marketing for you! I’m hoping it’ll become easier as time goes on!
I have no idea why the type in my post is that big!!!
Lol Liz @BigBirdLittleBird I didn’t need my glasses to read that message
I agree about needing to develop an online presence. It doesn’t come easily to me either as I never want to be seen as spammy so I don’t post constantly like some people seem to do, but then I feel posts can be lost amongst the sea of other tweets, posts etc…
It’s a very tricky balancing act isn’t it.
I’ve just recently tried to come out of my shell abit and stopped lurking on Twitter hours and actually joined in abit. It’s actually quite fun when you get into it, and there’s some great folks out there to meet along the way
I have just added you to my tweets to follow, so we can feel like idiots together! In fact I added you before you wrote this in bold, so I am not following you out of sympathy, but because I love your lavender birds.
Suzzie x
Ah thank you. I have no idea how I did the bold and large bit - wish I knew LOL!
Think you must have hit the
button! Its the “A” along the top of the comments box and it
turns everything big!
Thanks Roz. Learn something new everyday