from March 25th royal mail are increasing their prices…
1st class up to 100g will be 70p
Large letter 1st class…£1.06
2nd class up to 100g 61p
Large 2nd class 83p
Small parcels up to and including 1kg 1st class £3.55…2nd class…£3
small parcels up to and including 2kg 1st class £5.50 2nd class…£3
Medium parcels…up to and including 1kg 1st class £5.80 2nd class £5.10
Medium parcels up to and including 2kg…£8.95 £5.10
Thanks, I just did a search on the Royal Mail site for the full pdf too. Looks like most of my UK prices are up 5-10p and my international ones 15-45p.
Apparently it was on the news earlier that Royal Mail are in trouble for putting the prices up in March when it should be April…an extra week of profit could amount to a lot !
Anyone posting over 20 parcels a week would be entitled to open a business account, no contract, no obligation other than to pay for what you have posted.
Anyone interested in doing this can email me directly on
A business account will allow you to access discounted postal rates as well as providing labeling software to create barcoded labels, free of charge.
Thanks Brenda, the man in the Post Office told me they were going up but kept forgetting to check. Have to check whether or not I can absorb the increase this year.
Can I also add that Royal Mail have stopped stocking CN22 forms on the roll and Airmail stickers in their online shop. Reading into it, I think this is because people were ordering them (they’re free) and selling them. Well, thanks very much whoever that was, because I now have to ask over the counter for top ups and whatever they can spare, rather than making it nice and easy and sorting myself for these items. Just a heads up if anyone’s used to ordering in bulk and is running a bit low. Jo
thanks for that info @JoSara I must remember to get some more next time I go to the post office.
I get my stamps direct online from the royal mail site…they get delivered within 48 hours (Usually)… then I weigh my item , check the cost online and if I am lucky, I can squeeze it in the local post box.
I’ve often said in my post office about that. I just ask them for a handful at a time but there’s loads for sale on Ebay. Why on earth are people stupid enough to pay for something you can get for free?
Maybe some people don’t realise that they are free… The hubster went to the post office for me last week and as I couldn’t find where I’d put my air mail stickers… (haha I moved them somewhere safe) I asked him to get an airmail sticker put on and he asked me how much would that be… he thought you had to pay extra for them.
I also used to get CN22 and airmail stickers from the RM online shop but no longer can. I heard that they are limiting supply because they are trying to encourage people to provide electronic customs data instead and use services like click and drop. Some countries (Brazil, Russia, USA, China) are already insisting on electronic customs data (as of 1st Jan 2018). From what I understand more countries will be moving to an all digital system in the future.
Unfortunately this electronic system means that we will incur the cost of printing the CN22 labels ourselves + the extra time that it takes to fill them in online.
That’s interesting. I enquired about this recently with Royal Mail and was told by Customer Services that qualifying for an Online Business Account is determined by the amount spent on postage per week not the number of parcels sent. I post around 40-50 parcels a week but as they are mostly large letter and therefore lower value postage, I apparently don’t qualify.
Just butting in here. The printing of the CN22 form on C&D takes just a few seconds to do, I think it’s quicker than filling it in by hand and once you’ve inputted the information into C&D you don’t need to input it again, so all you need to do is print the CN22 form out and sign and date it
Hmm. As far as I’m aware the criteria is 1000 items a year (which does work out to be around 20 items a week) I would ring RM again and you may get a more positive response
@ARCJewellery So (re the CN22 forms) what about people like me who don’t really DO technical stuff…some people might not have printers etc. (I DO have but prefer paper trails etc). At my age I don’t really want to get involved in more technology than I am already coping with…
There will always be little old ladies who want to send off parcels abroad, so I really don’t see how they can EVER get rid of forms that you can get at the post office. @millyandpip what is C&D?