Is anyone else having issues when searching for items? No matter what i put on the search field it doesn’t bring anything up
Just tried doing a search and not working for me either, I guess there is a problem
Thanks for letting us know, we’ve now found the problem and fixed it, although it may take a little more time for the task to complete and every item to show in the results, so don’t worry if something of yours isn’t showing just yet. It’ll be back soon (within a couple of hours).
Luckily I spotted this thread fairly quickly, but if something this important completely stops working, please can someone email (or even as sometimes it could take days for us to see a thread in the forum, and we wouldn’t want such an important feature of the site to not be working for that long.
Search has been bringing relative things up for me today but the price filter isn’t working (don’t know about the other filters)
I just randomly searched for cow with high price filter set and it gave me cows in that price band. I changed lower price and got lots of other cheaper ones.
Seems fine to me
My search for Buttons came up with reams of the same seller. Haven’t they sorted this issue yet?
There is a different thread about wanting more variety in results and there you will find an interesting discussion about the various pros and cons and implications of various suggestions to address it, which is why ‘they’ are not able to just ’ sort this’ quickly.
This thread is about whether the search actually brings up items you search for. If you searched for Buttons, and you got buttons, then the search is working.
Can I check something before I contact Folksy support. I’ve just noticed that when I try and apply filters after searching for a specific type of product, it reverts back to the unsearched product listings. For example, if I search for tray with handles I get a lot of trays with handles - perfect.
But if I try and apply filters to narrow the search by category (kitchen, decorative etc) or by price, I lose the original search item from the search bar, and I get all the items on the whole site appearing.
I’ve tried clicking on one of the category filters to see if it’s just a presentational error and my specific handled tray search is still there in the background, but it still just brings up all items in that category - not just trays.
I’m 99% sure this isn’t how filters is supposed to work on Folksy, but before I send an email can someone else check and see if it’s happening to them too. For info, I’m using Firefox browser on the laptop - pretty old school I know
Yes I did a similar search the other day and noticed that too.
Let me go ask some questions in the captain’s group as that isn’t how it’s supposed to work and isn’t how it used to work.
Thanks Sasha, let me know if I need to email or whether it’s being picked up through your group
Drop support an email about it anyway so they have an official log of the issue. My back channels might manage to get something done today.
Will do, huge thanks.
I heard back from Folksy support today, they have looked at search and the filters are now working correctly
Thanks Joy @JOYSofGLASS and sasha @SashaGarrett for confirming/checking for me over the weekend
You might want to correct your E word
Ooh my goodness yes , thanks so much Joy. I have been doing my tax returns this afternoon for 23/24 and wading through my accounts on both platforms has addled my brain!!