We’re about to deploy an update. This may result in you seeing your shop items change order in shopkeeping. More info:
Thanks for the heads up Sian.
My items have been leaping around in shopkeeping for months - it’s a pain in the bum, but I try not to worry about it. Will they stay where they are now?
@sianfolksy1 Hi Sian, what is the latest on this re-ordering issue? The order of my shop is still changing every time I list or re-list items. It looks a mess but I don’t want to spend time sorting it out if this is still ongoing. Any news would be appreciated.
Many thanks
@sianfolksy1 Please can we have an update on this- relisting and adding new items didn’t used to affect shop appearance at all.
Now it seems to shove the very things we want to promote right at the back of the shop. Resulting as Angela says in a mess.
Yep, totally agree with above comments, my shops just seem to be listing items in any order that takes their fancy!!
Hi, sorry - it is being worked on as we speak. I updated on another thread last week (Order of items in shop - #67 by sianfolksy):
Ok, that second issue should now be fixed: re-listed items should retain their order - please contact support if you see any more problems!
Thanks very much @sianfolksy1 that’s fab news! xx