Social Media links from your Folksy shop

I quite often click on a shop’s social media links especially when I’m admiring new Folksy shops and am quite often rather surprised to find that they don’t work… either go somewhere entirely different from where I expect to go or go nowhere because the URL is incorrectly set up. (I Always set up URL links like this via a Copy/Paste as far less likely to make mistakes than typing it in)
I found another condition today which I have come across before on Facebook links when I get a big in your face view of the Facebook page… which is very odd on my laptop.
Reason for this one (and I don’t think this new shop will mind me quoting it as an example, as it’s a very nice shop) is that the M.Facebook link has been set up (mobile version)
eg instead of

So could I politely suggest that shops do check all their social media links (as I don’t think it looks good for the site in general if they don’t work, makes having the links useless) and also check that the Facebook link set is not the M. one.
(Hint : it is a good way of getting new page likers if someone clicks your link and it works and takes them to a nice Facebook page they’ve not seen before in fact I did that just a few minutes ago :slight_smile:

It was suggested in another topic that it’s not a good idea to have the links at all as they take people away from a shop and therefore might take a customer who was about to buy something away from the shop with resultant loss of sale.
Actually no reason it would do that at all as the links open in a new window so the potential customer will still have the original Folksy shop still open and available.
Also, as the social media links are neatly tucked away at the bottom of the shop’s page the customer has to scroll past a full page full of goodies to get there and will hopefully be attracted by an inspiring photo on the way to the bottom and will stop and buy it.


I wondered why facebook can be really large sometimes, I guessed it was probably something like that x

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It has puzzled me before too but I spotted the M. today, removed it in the address bar and everything returned to normal !


Ps just spotted one new shop where the Blog button goes to their E*** shop
Now that is surely a NO NO :zipper_mouth_face:


I’ve just been checking All my links, they all work :grinning: but when I click on the FB one the page that comes up is an M one but looking on my Folksy shop appearance page there is no M in the link that I’ve put. Does it just depend on what device you are viewing on? I’m using a tablet at the mo


Yes. Definitely no M. on mine but it shows one here on my mobile (but not on pc or laptop).
I was just glad to find the reason for the Big displays I have found when presumably someone has set it up with the M. within the link and thought I’d share in case others have wondered why too


Great, thanks :slight_smile:


I expect phones/tablets may automatically redirect to the m version, because it’ll work better on those. As long as the m isn’t in the address that’s written though it should work as normal on a desktop/laptop. If the m is there though, desktops/laptops don’t seem to be able to redirect to the normal version, so you’re stuck with your computer pretending to be a phone.


Thanks, that makes perfect sense :grinning:

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