I’d be interesting in hosting, I’ll need to brush up on my Twitter skills but I’m sure I can manage to talk to people on there easily enough and would be good to get into tweeting more too
That would be amazing, Charlie! I’m sure you’d be a fantastic host. Everyone who comes is very nice and supportive too. We’ll email you tomorrow
I’d love to have a go at hosting!
I wouldn’t mind trying to host a #folksyhour at some point. Would be fun.
I joined in for the first time last night and lots of people there suggested me to host a folksyhour centred on how to work Twitter for your business - I’ve been on Twitter now for 7 years and I even wrote a blog post about it all, a step by step guide - so I’d be very happy to do this one Tuesday evening, my Twitter name is @EmyJSkylark
Hello dear Folksy people
I will do a folksy hour! I have no idea what topic to think of, so any suggestions welcome.
However… I guess I could talk all night about confidence and lack of it, if that’s a suitable topic! In fact I have pitched to Blogtacular 2017 to do a talk on this very thing. AND I am going to some training on Feb 7th with Pete Mosley about confidence and possibility in creative business, so I guess after that I might have some more ideas. If I ask him nicely Pete might even come along to folksyhour, although I haven’t met him yet so I am in fact just organising a stranger on that one.
So if that will do, send me an email!
Fabulous let me know some details and hopefully we can arrange it!
How about this as a schedule?
Tues 31 January – @eanjewellery (that’s next week and conincides with something else exciting that you’re doing on Folksy, Elizabeth )
Tues 7 February - FOLKSY
Tues 21 February– @bycharlieshand
Tues 28 February - @ShirleyRainbow
Tues 7 March - FOLKSY
Tues 14 March - @EmyjaneWild
Tues 21 March – @TrudiMurray
I think we’re going to skip Tuesday 14 Feb as that’s Valentine’s Day and it doesn’t feel very fair to ask someone to host that session. Unless anyone really wants to or feels strongly anti-Valentine and would like to host Folksy Hour in protest against it
I can email you all with more details and you can get thinking about topics, but thought it would be good to organise the dates first.
Sounds fabulous to me thank you!
Look forward to hearing more details and hosting on the 21st!
That sounds fine to me!!
I’ve got a couple of ideas, will put a bit more thought into it now though ?
Thanks Camilla X
Teresa Bettelley
Shirley Rainbow
Owner and Designer
Say hello on Facebook! www.facebook.com/pages/shirleyrainbowhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/shirleyrainbow
Follow on Twitter: @SRainbow_TB
Follow on Instagram: @shirleyrainbow_tb
Hey, I’m afraid I am away on 14th March - I can swop for the 21st though? Sorry about that! It’s my annual holiday in South Cornwall (can’t wait!)
@TrudiMurray could you do the 14th March instead and then Emily could do the 21st March?
yes 14th march seems to be fine.
Thank you! The 21st for me it is then x
31 January works well for me. I’ll host then. What topics have you focused on already? Is there a list that you’d like to try?
Love the questions from your #folksyhour Alison
Amazing! Thank you everyone for offering your time.
So here’s the final schedule…
Tues 31 January – @eanjewellery
Tues 7 February - FOLKSY
Tues 21 February– @bycharlieshand
Tues 28 February - @ShirleyRainbow
Tues 7 March - FOLKSY
Tues 14 March - @TrudiMurray
Tues 21 March – @EmyjaneWild
There’s a summary of all the previous chats here so you can see the topics we’ve covered before.
What would you be interested in talking about, Elizabeth? How about something around blogging? You write a great craft blog and I’m sure your experience would be really useful for other people.
Tonight Charlotte from @bycharlieshand, one of Folksy’s bestselling makers, will be taking over #folksyhour, and talking about what it takes to run a creative business. We’d love you to join in – it’s super friendly and a great introduction to Twitter if you haven’t really used it before.
Come along and ask her your questions, find out how she and other makers manage their workload, stay self-motivated, get through a creative dry spell, take care of themselves and take time off without feeling THE GUILT. Starts at 8pm.
We’d like to host one! If you still want hosts? Thinking it’d be something quite practical - keen to look at skill swaps and skill shares as a creative community and exploring how we can make that sort of thing happen more often! (as a topic - not that we have the answers! )
Ooh yes please! That would be a great topic. How about Tues 28 March @frillyindustries?
Then we can host on Tuesday 4 April. Any volunteers for the 11th, 18th or 25th April?