Weekly Art Chat Thread W/C 5th May

Lovely work Stephie…I have been reading discussions on fb about the drying time of oils…someone said that SOME oils are not dry after 100 years !!!..I can’t wait 30 mins for mine to dry…lol
Great picture Clare…glad you had a good time with some sales…
Waving Pam…
Keep painting the birds Hazel…they are great…don;t let them go cheap though will you? (ha ha)


LOL … No I won’t let them go cheap Brenda … Hehe

But I have been painting … They are great fun, I’m on my phone and can’t add pictures from here but have shown them on Facebook, bigger ones this time an A5 and an A4 …

One of which I am calling Punk Rock Parrot !!! I’ll show them here next time I’m on the PC :slight_smile:

How long you expect the oils to take Stephie ?

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They’re supposed to take 4 to 6 months but can take up to a year. They’re not far off, some are closer than others. Maybe another month or two, it’s those pesky purples, should be banned :wink:


How dare you blaspheme about purple…go and stand in the corner this instant…ha ha…send them to me…I will have them…


Hehe if purple really was banned the neighbours would get a shock…nearly all my clothes are purple :laughing:


My bluebells have sold :thumbsup:

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morning all, not surprised those bluebells sold Stephie they were lovely. Well done on the sales Brenda, Hazel and Clare and an extra well done for getting into the best sellers list Hazel, you go girl!.

I have a day off today got a few things to do this morning but I may get chance to do some crafting later on, woke at 4:30 this morning, which is early even for me! I managed to pick up some balsa wood in the model shop yesterday (I think I gave the chaps serving a fright, not used to women visiting lol! let alone women who know what they are looking for). I made a tiny frame and an easel this morning just to see how they go. Not sure the easel would be good enough to sell as Balsa tends to mark easily so once I get the design right I may buy some hardwood and make a few up to sell, but for my purposes the balsa wood ones are fab just for display. To give some context the painting in the background is an ACEO on a 5 inch easel. The easel I made this morning is around 3 inches high (8cms) and the frame is around 2 inches by 2.25 inches (6x7 cms)


Hello all. I’m finding it really hard to keep track on a weekly thread so please forgive me if I don’t comment on every piece. Well done on the sales everyone. I’m starting on a Land Rover today (promised my husband). 10% will got to the South East 4x4 Response Team this time.

Have a great day


Gaynor please don’t worry about commenting! Its lovely to have you here, drop in when you can. There’s no obligation to comment :slight_smile: If anything particular stands out then you can just comment on those if you want to (the rest of us won’t take offence).

Max you clever thing you! They look fabulous!

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Thank you Max :smile: I still can’t believe it really

Your frame and easel are fab, you are very clever, I know how hard it is to make these things, the frame especially you have got the miters perfect :slight_smile:

Waving Stephie and Gaynor


wow Max, that easel is brilliant…I feel a new production line coming on !!
Gaynor, like you I get a bit lost on the comments now that we are a weekly thread…so perhaps we can all be excused from individual comments…If I miss people out, it isn’t intentional but just me dashing around in a hurry as usual.
Here is my listing for today…


Thanks guys. Lovely teal and purple today Brenda - your pictures seems so much clearer on this forum, have you changed something? Or maybe it’s my new glasses lol.

Thought I’d give my Sun Horse an outing today as we’ve been having good weather here.



Lovely landscape Brenda and your horse is Fab Gaynor :smile:

I have just listed a couple of my larger parrots …

This one is a Punk Rock Parrot lol


lovely parrot Hazel and love the horse Gaynor…mmm…pictures…well in February my camera gave up the ghost and I am now using my daughter’s old one…which was an expensive one.
I have been using it for a couple of months, but it might be that it has taken me a while to get used to the focus etc…so that might be it…

Fabulous Parrot Hazel!!! lol x x Jeanie

Love the punk parrot Hazel, he’s great fun!

Fab tree in your landscape Brenda, the highlights are super.

Pretty horse Gaynor, and interesting to read your description too.

I’ve painted a couple of ACEOs of my daughter’s latest obsession. Not listed yet in case she gets home from college and wants to claim either of them for her collection


Have been asked to Have been asked to paint some teeny tiny dolls house paintings…these are 1 x 1.5 inches… Can you see the tiny bumlbe bees too? Jeanie x


Thank you for the comments on Punk Rock Parrot … He us fun isn’t he lol

Love the skaters Stephie the girl in red is my favourite

Jeanie the miniatures are wonderful and yes the bees are so cute. Do you sell many miniatures on folksy? I haven’t found they sell well here, I get more else where!

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afternoon all, my word they are super tiny Jeanie. Fab skaters Stephie and what a funky parrot Hazel.

Love these latest landscapes Brenda very calming

Lovely horse Gaynor

I have made another 5 frames a good selecton now for use as display, not sure I’m actually going to sell any they take time to make and probably wouldn’t get much of a return, and I rather be painting :smiley: