Weekly Art Chat Thread W/C 5th May

Morning everyone, just listed this 8 x 6 ink art


heres a pic of the finished frames, the paintings are not fitted just resting, some are painted and some are guilded

back after work


Morning Max, your frames look amazing, the guilded ones especially, are you going to sell these framed or just as a display?

With the miniatures / dolls house market for art, I find people will sometimes pay if its something they really want, that said, I havenā€™t sold as many as I thought I would, when I started painting them last year, I had a flurry of sales but now they are more here and there ā€¦ and mostly from the other side and some from my own website but not many from folksy.

Out of interest with the Dolls House ones, where do you all sell best ā€¦

This is one of mine from folksy ā€¦2 1/4 x 3 inches approx


Morning all. Iā€™m always blown away by the miniatures. What patience you must have - and what good eyesight! My herb garden is exploding at the moment so I thought Iā€™d show my Thyme painting. Iā€™ve just worked out how to do clickable images - I am finding it so much easier to post images on this forum.

Have a great day all



Morning Gaynor, that is beautiful :smile:
Yes much easier to post pictures here ā€¦

Just looking at your shop, your beaches are lovely :slight_smile: Have a good day


Thank you Hazel. Iā€™ve just been rearranging things in the shop and adding categories - what fun!. Iā€™m a bit frustrated as all my painting recently has been gifts for family or requests from friends. So Iā€™ve not been able to add much to the shop. That is going to change!


Thatā€™s great Gaynor, I think the more choice we have the more chance we have of attracting someone to our work.


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Morning allā€¦great workā€¦pouring with rain here and I have to go outā€¦sighā€¦
Good day for watercolour painting en plein airā€¦no need to take water with youā€¦lol
Just listed this one


Just popped in whilst having a cuppa to see everyoneā€™s lovely art. Beautiful pictures, really brightened up a very dull and rainy day here :slight_smile:


Thank you Emma - you have some lovely pieces in your shop, your song birds are great.

Raining here too and chilly too !!!


Morning (just)!

Hazel facebook is my biggest draw so wherever I point facebook to is where I get the most sales. At the moment that is here, as I decided to stop trying to chase sales by opening more shops and just have everything in the one place. And this is by far my fave place to hang out :slight_smile:

The largest of my paintings tend to go locally, Iā€™ve not had many online sales with those.

I just found out this morning that the tea shop where I have a permanent exhibition is going to close on Sunday. Itā€™s so sad as it was a life long dream of the owner to run a teashop, but sheā€™s losing so much money that she canā€™t carry on. Iā€™m going to pick up my paintings on Monday - Iā€™m not too upset about bringing my paintings back though as Iā€™d like to try them elsewhere.

I bought some long matches this morning and a set of new blades for the stanley knife to see if I can make an easel for my miniatures. It wonā€™t be foldable as Iā€™m just going to stick it all together with glue but might work for display purposes until Max gets them in her shopā€¦hint hintā€¦

Waving Emma, nice to see you here :thumbsup:

Iā€™ve listed these two now, the daughter was thrilled to see them (theyā€™re modelled vaguely on her) but didnā€™t object to me selling them

Hope you didnā€™t get too wet Brenda


Waving Emma, Hazel and Stephieā€¦and Max and Gaynor
I havenā€™t gone out yet, apart from to feed the birds, deliver a birthday card to my neighbour and look to see where two stray dogs had goneā€¦they were in my back garden at 7 amā€¦looked like strays in desperate need of a mealā€¦by the time I had my shoes on and some food for them, they had gone back into the fieldā€¦such a shameā€¦I hope they will be okā€¦no collars and a bit emaciated and one looked like it had not long had puppiesā€¦sadā€¦

Taking hubby for one of his appointments shortly and then off to the Rangeā€¦I will TRY not to be tempted (well not too muchā€¦lol)

Great work folksā€¦bak later
Brenda x


Thatā€™s great your miniatures sell on facebook Stephie :slight_smile: I have sold via Facebook but not any dolls house miniatures ā€¦ I agree folksy is a great place to hang out and sell Art too :slight_smile: my feeling is I like to keep all my options open, so having shops on Etsy and my own website allows for a wider audience as it does when people use EBay I guess. Iā€™m not doing the bay at the moment but may do later in the year :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear the tea shop is closing such a shame when local shops canā€™t compete with the big names.

Iā€™ve just made myself a pair of easels! It was surprisingly easy,instructions to follow on my blog.


Hereā€™s m Hereā€™s my latest tiny paintings they are called ā€™ inchies ā€™
My best place to sell is also f.b. some on the bay too. Just seen that these two have been sold!!! Steph! Your easels look fab,clever girlā€¦lol x Jeanie x


Theyā€™re lovely Jeanie, no wonder they sold. I have some inchies cut out ready to paint sometime.

Hereā€™s my blog on how to make a mini dolls house easel



Congratulations on the sales, Jeanie! The easels and frames are great, Max and Stephie! Hi everyone!
Iā€™ve just listed an acrylic on canvas - my first painting on canvas!!

Pam :slight_smile:


Great blog Stephā€¦ I have commentedā€¦Jeanie x

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Lovely Pam :slight_smile:

Great inches Jeanie and well done on the sales, seems you and Stephie do well on FB :slight_smile:

Amazing easels Stephie and great post too, just commented on FB and your blog now - well done you :slight_smile:


Thanks, Hazel, and congratulations on your lavender being on the front page!


oh WOW I didnā€™t know, thank you Pam :smile:

ā€¦ and hazel (flamehaired) is there too