Weekly Art Chat w/c 9th June

Thank you Steph! I will go have a look…Jeanie x

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It is fun Jeanie I only have one of these and mine came from US too

I also have a couple of stabilo water soluable pens in different colours but not as good as this one :slight_smile:

This what I did today on the canvas board which is 5x7


Hazel I love that colour with the purple…Where is your one from??
Lovely poppies[
Jeanie x

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That’s really lovely Hazel, I love the way this pen splits into pink and blue

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Jeanie, we all got our pens from the same source, didn’t even take long to come from the US, so well worth it.

Love those poppies Hazel, look wonderful!

Thanks Stephie and Margaret

Yes I like this pen it’s like magic the way it makes these colours tones when the water is added :slight_smile: worked well on the canvas board too - thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

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I wish I had more time to play with my sketch pen, but there aren’t enough hours in the day!


Stunning Hazel!!

I know what you about not having enough hours in the day,Margaret, I’ve just picked my little ones up from school but it only seems like minutes ago that I dropped them off!!

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Maria, at least I’ve not got children to deal with!lol Just a couple of pensioners :smile:

I’m happy today that I’ve got an email from the Derwent Art Academy that my drawing of a sphere was accepted and I can move on to lesson 2! :smile:


I know what you mean Margaret and Maria - I’ve just finished a big web job so having a little more me time this week and the times flies by when I start doodling lol

Should really be doing some housework but that can wait !!!

These pens really are fun :slight_smile:


Can you give me a link for the pen please Hazel…thanks! Jeanie x

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Jeanie it’s the same one Stephie put the link to above - elegant writer via amazon :slight_smile: but I just bought one not the set :slight_smile:


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Thanks Hazel! that link was for a set of 4 pens, but managed to find the single pen
so have ordered one…Thanks Steph also…x x


Grumble grumble tax return grumble grumble


I’m with you there Stephie - done both of our accounts now just need to do the returns … Procrastinating on that bit lol

Glad you found them Jeanie :slight_smile:

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Afternoon all would love a go of those pens got one on my birthday list :). The lovely lady with the lost parcel is happy to have a replacement, no profit but at least it wasn’t a big expensive item


I’ve submitted my sphere now, and am busy drooling over the pencils in anticipation of completing the course… Tessa do you get to choose from the full range?

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Well done Margaret. I thought no 2 was a bit confusing tho easy to do because you can just copy what they did. I like the way Shoo presents it.

Stephie they asked which range I wanted but not which colours so I guess they are already chosen. It’ll be 24 colours. I didn’t know whether to ask for the blocks or pencils or whether there was a choice. Which would u choose?

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I don’t really like my inktense Tessa so I’ll be interested to see how you get on with them. They get lots of good reviews so maybe I just need to try harder lol.

I’m thinking of either the coloursoft or the artist pencils as I don’t have any artist grade coloured pencils.

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what don’t you like about them?

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