What has happened to the seller newsletter?

I don’t seem to be getting any correspondence from Folksy HQ apart from my bill. I have checked my spam folder and there is nothing there. Are there still newsletters?

I got a ‘News and tips for sellers’ email on Friday around 2.15pm (correction - actually arrived 2.25pm) so sounds like there might be something up if you’re signed up and didn’t get it. Hope you get to the bottom of it.

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Not sure I’m getting them anymore either.
I’m getting emails about new things from people I follow, but no news letter as such.

I got mine at 2.25 Friday Afternoon

I’d be interested to know whether you have a hotmail email address if you’re not getting the newsletter any more? I’m asking because I organise a local arts event and we use a mailing list to keep in touch with our artists - there are times when I have tremendous difficulty getting in touch with those who use hotmail - wondering if it’s just us or a broader problem.

@HelenSmith It’s the same for an art event I help out with. Hotmail and gmail are awful for people not getting the emails. Most of the time it is because it’s been sent to spam, or one of the many other random folders gmail has, but often if you don’t check them quick enough they’ll already have been deleted (and many people never seem to check those folders).

I’ve got both a hotmail and gmail email for various things, and I find gmail is a lot worse for it. With hotmail there’s 1 folder these emails tend to be sent to, and the number of emails in the folder is visible straight away, so if it’s gone up a lot I’ll give it a quick check. With gmail there are multiple folders it moves things to, and it takes some scrolling to see the numbers on those folders, which means it’s taken me weeks to notice a missing email before (and it seems anyone who isn’t a contact automatically gets filtered, so it’s taken a lot more setting up just to get anything in my inbox).

Oh that’s weird, I use gmail with no problems at all - and we don’t seem to have the same issues sending out to gmail either - although I know the ‘promotions’ folder can cause a bit of confusion. Most of our ‘hotmail’ artists have to be contacted individually otherwise they start to get very stressed thinking they haven’t been accepted to take part (or, don’t receive the request for payment…)!

I’m gmail, so will go for a rummage and see if I can find them in a bin somewhere.

@DeborahJonesJewellery Like the others said, the most recent one was on Friday and it should have been sent by postie@folksy.co.uk, so hopefully if it did end up in another folder it won’t have had time to be deleted yet.

If you’re not getting some emails then adding the addresses to your contacts might help.
It’s generally postie@folksy.co.uk for seller news.
noreply@folksy.com for sales and order confirmations.
robot@folksy.com for the weekly activity update, bills, order shipped, milestone emails.
folksy-finds@folksy.co.uk for new things from people you follow.
support@folksy.co.uk if you’ve contacted support.

The newsletters (seller news, folksy finds) can be unsubscribed from, but you should always receive things like sale/order confirmations, so if you’re not getting those it’s best to contact support.

I am on Gmail. I added myself back on to the mailing list so I am now receiving everything.

Can I just ask if anyone else has a problem with the format/ size of the folksy newsletter when it arrives in their inbox?
I’m not sure if I’m just being techno dumb but I am using a windows laptop (not my mobile) to open my e-mails and this is the only piece of mail that I have to scroll across to be able to read as it is too big.
It’s a pain to have to keep scrolling, so half the time, I don’t bother to read it which is a shame.

All I seem to be getting are Poster size promotional emails exhorting me to start a shop with Folksy and to make sure it is Folksy Plus.
How lovely it would be to see emails encouraging our customers to buy our lovely products :rofl:


@dotterypottery I’m not having any issues with width, it’s under half the width of the screen for me so no scrolling even on a minimised window. What do you use to open the emails, is it possibly a settings issue there?
I know if I increase the size of an email in Thunderbird it increases it for all the emails, but maybe that’s somehow set to increase all emails from a particular sender? If you press control and - does it go back down to normal?

@JOYSofGLASS That sounds like the seller newsletter which is for tips about selling. The emails encouraging people to buy are on the buyer newsletter (which did have one small mention of setting up a Plus shop today, but alongside 4 other more prominent parts about buying).


Kim, I’ve just gone and double checked and it’s only the Folksy promotional stuff that doesn’t fit on my screen - all the folksy notifications for sales etc are fine.
I did Ctrl - but it was just reducing it below 100% and it was still too big.
I don’t think I’ve ever changed the settings on an e-mail on purpose, so I probably haven’t set it to increase at any time.
My browser is Chrome and my e-mails are through BT.
I’ll go and check on Edge.

ETA: Same problem on Edge too.

ETA - just checked my e-mails on my phone and it looks perfect. Could it be a mobile format that is being used? (is that such a thing?)

I work on a tablet and all of the emails I receive from Folksy are fine, had 2 today, 1 Folksy February and another about signing up for plus acc.

@dotterypottery The promotional stuff comes from a different email address to the notifications, so if it was tied to a sender it wouldn’t change those.
The email is designed to display well on a mobile, but that means if you’re viewing on a horizontal screen it should look skinnier rather than too large, unless you have the part for viewing the email reeeally narrow.

If no one else is seeing it this way, I would suspect it’s to do with the BT inbox. Has it only recently started looking this way? It looks like BT email recently had an update to the layout, which is causing issues for some people, but I can’t see this exact problem mentioned so far.
If it was a setting that has a keyboard shortcut sometimes it’s possible to accidentally change them (particularly if you have a cat that likes getting in the way :joy:) but it does seem odd it’s only on the Folksy newsletter emails.

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Just signed in on my iPad and that is showing the e-mail fine too!
Just bonky on the surface pro….so I don’t know then!