Who is on Facebook?

I know what you mean, Kim. I enjoy doing Pinterest, it helps me to “curate” the things that I’m interested in as well my own and other peoples’ Folksy makes, but when I’m told someone has “pinned” something off my site, it’s usually photos of cute animals!

It’s funny you saying that about Pinterest, I just noticed my stats on Folksy and saw that Pinterest looked higher than before which got me thinking, hmm…Maybe I should start pinning more often :laughing:
I am not a naturally sociable person, signing up with Folksy and chatting on the threads is my first intro into the world of social media, and i’m really thankful that everyone is so kind and helpful on here.


Hi all, (Arghh! Please Help)
So I took the plunge the other day and signed up to Facebook!
My partner took me through the basics of setting up the homepage and then your shop page, which I added a banner to, but as for joining groups and actually getting started with posting I feel pretty out of my depth!
I already use Instagram and have got to grips with that more now, but Facebook was always so daunting, and now I am here I just want to curl up into a ball or hide somewhere :pleading_face:
I wanted to know if I should just add a post to my page or join a group or two first and post through that group, it all seems so confusing and information online isn’t really that helpful.
Sorry to be a bother, but I would be so grateful for any advice on how to get started with this or even a good place to find more info on Facebook. There also seems to be a lot of art/craft groups out there and I feel pretty overwhelmed by them all!
Maria :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Maria,
I started slowly on Fb, just posting a couple of times a week about things which were of interest to me. I just let things grow on their own and that way I could learn as I went along. You gradually get to know what sort of posts will get a nice reaction, there will be groups suggested to you, you find people you can really connect with. Now I can’t imagine life without it, and there’s always a drop in my figures on Folksy if I don’t post for a while. The Folksy Shop Group is one of my favourite pages. Good luck, I will look you up. xxx

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I’d start by making sure you’ve got all the basics filled in (an about section, profile picture, links to your shop), and then do one post, even if it’s just something like “hi, I’m new to facebook…”. You might not have anyone on your page yet to like it, but it means once you do start posting on the groups, there’ll actually be something to see if anyone decides to check your page (so a couple of photos of your work might be good too).

To start, I’d join the Clubhouse - https://www.facebook.com/groups/FolksyClubhouse/
It’s not for promotion (just a Folksy support place for sellers), but it should help you get the hang of Facebook with a few familiar names around.

When you click to join a group, you should be able to pick between joining as your personal page or business, so decide which you want to show up as posting and select the right one, as I think you can only join as one. When you’re commenting on other business pages. if you’re on a computer you can select if you post as your personal or business page, but if you’re on the app it automatically comments as your personal page.

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Thank you so much for the advice :blush:
@plumporridge I am going to take it slowly and I would actually rather get familiar with it and connect with people first, before promoting myself. Once I get my page sorted and get to grips with things a bit more, I will look you up too, thanks for the help x
@konyskiw Thanks Kim, really appreciate the feedback! I do need to add some more of the basics to my page, I just wasn’t sure of what order to do things and felt suddenly overwhelmed by something I have no idea about!
Will definitely put a friendly introduction out there first and I was already interested in signing up to Folksy Clubhouse, I know it isn’t for promoting but it is always great just to connect with like minds anyway :blush:
I do also want to share posts and join groups as my business page, but in an approachable and friendly manner.
I guess I will get the hang of this as I go. The advice has made me feel a little more confident about things, so thanks again x

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I’ve only started my Facebook page and have 0 likes on my page https://www.facebook.com/samsellsseaglass/

You have one now!

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Will return all likes :slight_smile:

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I have had a Facebook page for quite a while but am new to Folksy.

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Fairly new to Folksy and made a page for it

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Yes I have a page on Facebook - link below - it’s linked to my heatherandhome instagram account.

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I have a Facebook page, it’s pretty new as I set it up when I joined Folksy last month.

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We’re a new business on here and Facebook!

www.facebook.com/thepyronautist :slight_smile:

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I have a Facebook page which is still developing. I wanted to stop my personal page being dominated by knitting posts :rofl:

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Hi, this is me, Tina Martin, https://www.facebook.com/DaisywingsUK/

Have just popped over and liked all pages I could find in this thread. :slight_smile: