Can I Promote You?

Hi Everyone

I would like to promote sellers on my Facebook page. I’m afraid I haven’t got thousand’s of likes, I have only just started my page, but it’s free promotion and I think it would be great to promote lots of lovely Folksy sellers.

I’m going to pick random sellers to promote each day. Hopefully it will generate more sales for all of us, whilst helping to get the Folksy name out there.

If you would like me to promote a certain item, please leave the link on this thread.

I hope this is OK with everyone.

Natasha x


This is a lovely idea natasha.
I’m not on Facebook so not 100% how it works but I’m sure you will get more likes as you list more things on it.

@beadedtreasures No worries that you’re not on Facebook. I will still promote items from your shop. Hope thats OK.

Awwww thank you that would be lovely.

Just wondering have you got any 6 or 7mm ribbon?

Hi Natasha
I’m not on Facebook either but would be very pleased to get extra exposure if you would like to use me
Thank you


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Hi Natasha,

That sounds like a great idea. Here is my shop link for you to consider…

Jeanie x

@beadedtreasures. No problem, glad to help. As to the ribbon, sorry I haven’t got 6 or 7mm ribbon. I would be happy to order some, if you let me know which type of ribbon you are after, and how much you need. Hope that helps.

@BluebellWoodturning. I would be happy to promote you.

That’s very kind
Thank you x

Please can I take advantage of your kind offer too, thank you :slight_smile:

@GreenwoodMakes. Yes of course.

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@bluebellwoodturning. Have just promoted you. Please let me know if you want me to promote another of your listings.

@TheRibbonQuarter what’s your Facebook page? I’ll pop over and give you a like.

Thanks Stephanie.

Hi, what a great idea!
I’m new to Facebook too to so its mostly family/friends and a few others at the moment on my page but I’ve liked your page. Good luck!

I have already liked you on facebook. I too am just starting out with social media even though I’ve been in business over 5 years!!! Any help appreciated thanks. Still keeping an eye out for plain organza ribbon. Thanks. xxx

I will work down the list and promote all over the next few days.

Thanks. Natasha x

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That would be great

I’m just looking for some different colour ribbons in 6-7mm. I can only seem to find blue or yellow at the moment.
I do like the spotty ribbons you have. I’d definitely buy some from you if you got any.
Does that help.

Wow, that’s an awesome idea :slight_smile:

Thanks for helping to promote Folksy and sellers! Send us your facebook page we so can like it!!