Folksy 365 - Daily Listing Challenge Thread - AUGUST 2018

Good afternoon yay happy dancing for yur sales Valerie D and Sharon :dancer: :slight_smile:

Spent ages this afternoon playing with clay now just waiting for it to dry before I fire it, only managed 3 smallish pieces so will see how they turn out :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sasha @SashaGarrett, sorry to hear no sales yet, itā€™s a puzzle!

Congrats to your Granddaughter Valeris @valerie, such a relief to get the results she wanted.

Resin looks great Rachel @Verchielbeadsandjewellery looking forward to seeing your makes with them :slight_smile:


All loved to here, a re-list from me Iā€™m afraid


Thanks rachel - messaged you x


Itā€™s been a rainy day today. Had to go into Cambridge for daughterā€™s eye test, which took ages, they had no idea of their own pricing!
Sorry to hear your promotion and featured seller has not equated to more sales @SashaGarrett, I try to do a lot of promotion but itā€™s not helping much - are your papers in PubMed? Iā€™ll look them up to see if I understand them :grinning:

Iā€™m not thinking about Christmas yet, but Halloween is not too far away, hence my new make:


Good Evening everyone :slight_smile:

Sasha @SashaGarrett, Iā€™m sorry that you havenā€™t had any sales from being the featured seller yet but at least you are now on the Folksy blog, as a featured seller. People can see that and your interview long term. I find that I still have traffic coming to my shop from that even after all this time!

My listing tonight is another Llama!


The regioselective synthesis of 1,3,5 substituted pyrazoles should be on Pubmed - that was published when merck was closing back in 2006 ish. The Kv1.5 and Kv1.3 write ups were both patents but should be on the patents database whose abbreviation is currently escaping me. Everything else Iā€™m still not allowed to talk aboutā€¦


Evening all!

@SashaGarrett I hope some sales come in, and that there is a lasting positive affect from being featured seller. Iā€™m enjoying seeing your items when I land on the front page :slight_smile:

Love those earring @AppleQueenJewellery :heart_eyes:

Gladly help if I can @thedotterypotter :blush:

Ooh looking forward to seeing your creations @MaxPringJewellery

Congrats to your granddaughter @valerie :blush:

A relist from me, one of my favourite dragons:

Liked and pinned to here x


Thank you Sarah
Valerie x


Good Evening Everyone,
An interesting mix Sarah children and sugar, i may try that with my two grandchildren tomorrow,
just before they leave :smile:
Small bird and birdcage card for this listing
Best Wishes Adrianx


Messaged you sarah x


@SashaGarrett I too have had zero sales on Folksy in the last two weeksā€¦so think it is the time of year, thankfully for us we donā€™t have all eggs in one basket. Shame that your featured seller slot coincided with the summer slump. Very disappointing for you after all the work you put in.


Congratulations to your granddaughter Valerie @valerie & a big sigh of relief for you all!

Sorry youā€™re not getting sales from being featured maker Sasha @SashaGarrett. Hopefully people will file your shop name away for Christmas gifts later in the year. I have to say Iā€™m finding it very quiet on here and also across the pond.

New earrings


Oh I love camping @podshopUK, hope the weather improves

@SarahDesignsUK I love your sonā€™s t shirt!

@OrchardFelts Roz Iā€™m having trouble with posts today, my phone keeps freezing. Fingers crossed weā€™ve both caught up!

I have nothing new to show but am hopefully all caught up with loving


Good morning. Unusual for me to be the first of the day :slight_smile:. Iā€™ve just had a really good sleep (for a change) and woke up early feeling refreshed :slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning all :slight_smile: he he he Carol @Knittingtopia Iā€™m up early today too, its must be a hooky thing :smiley: Iā€™ve got a busy day of housework, a meetings and a trip to the Post Office so I will be in and out to love and share today :slight_smile: here is mine for fungi Friday, the purple version of my crochet fairy house:) have a lovely day everyone :slight_smile: xxx


Morning all
The cat and kitten we were looking after moved on last night, hopefully to be taken to there forever home this morning. I hope they will be loved and cared for, I was so fond of them, but ultimately I really donā€™t want the responsibility, having brought up 4 children, I just need an easy life now!

Anyway, I may be away for a few days, I will shut my shop up if I do, itā€™s very quiet on here at the momentā€¦
Todayā€™s listing


Good morning Sue @SueTrevor what a gorgeous kitty, I hope they love their forever home :slight_smile: gorgeous needlecase too <3 enjoy your break xxx


My Son is getting married tomorrow! Weā€™ve had fun (both families & close friends) working on their handmade wedding all week, had no idea it would be so time consuming! His girlfriend is an incredible organiserā€¦Theyā€™re a couple of childhood sweethearts now in their 20s, seemingly repeating her GrandParents storyā€¦ very capable, entertaining, unique & independent pair, who are creating & self funding an impressive, yet v low cost wedding ā€¦V proud Muma (sonā€™s spelling)ā€¦ post school life has definitely been better than school life for my Son, Sarah @SarahDesignsUK

My Folksy sales have dried up in the last couple of months Sasha @SashaGarrett except for your purchase! :blush:ā€¦Iā€™m hoping itā€™s the long hot summer & people not screen-gazing - I reckon your Folksy Feature will benefit long term, as Sarah @thedotterypotter saysā€¦

Happily help with colours :grinning: Sarah @thedotterypotter ā€¦I find Folksy on mobile a challenge! would love it if Folksy would optimise for mobileā€¦

re:list for meā€¦managed a bit of block cutting amongst all the wedding prepā€¦

loved & pinned to hereā€¦


I love my little boat, its still sat on my desk just above all my completed commissions awaiting pick up so everyone who comes to the work shop to get their stuff sees it.
(PS I want to see wedding photos (so long as the couple donā€™t mind you sharing))


well what an amazing day I had yesterday.
I got up at 4 AM to catch a coach for a DAY trip to Devon. nearly 5 hours on the coach (picking people up at various points along the way)ā€¦all to meet up with my friend Jean.
She was my bridesmaid in 1969 and we hadnā€™t seen each other for 38 YEARS !!!
She gave me a faberge style egg that she had made (wow) and had an amazing craft room full of handicrafts, eggs and knitwear !. I was in heavenā€¦lol.
Now back to reality with feet nearly back on the groundā€¦It will take me a while to catch up with all the faves, so I will try to do those a few at a timeā€¦Iā€™ll be back later with my listing ā€¦x
Moralā€¦donā€™t just DREAM about doing somethingā€¦DO IT .!!!