"Listings About to Expire" email sent a day late!

PLEASE will someone confirm that I’m not ’ losing it’ and that the listing expiry email used to report on listings to expire next day not current day. Found a few emails from Decemeber and all same day.
Just read latest (sent / received today) “Listings About to Expire” email and noticed I had a ‘batch’ due to expire on the 7th, today in fact.

The email was sent today Sun 07/01/2018 01:44. and shows
:slight_smile:Hello Joy (Joysofglass) Salt,
This is a Folksy stock notification:
You have 129 items expiring in the next 24 hours.

When I went to renew them from my active listing list they weren’t they. They were already expired with today’s 07/01/2018 expiry date…

Now renewing from the end of my active listings after simply checking it’s in expiry date order is easy.
Renewing from my expired list is not easy at all as it is prone to error as the Expired list includes things sold and not sold all mixed together… I can very easily either renew something already sold or not renew something I meant to, as the expired list shows all my listings expiring on that date, sold on Folksy, stock zeroised as sold elsewhere or not yet sold anywhere. It caused me on one occasion to relist something I hadn’t got and then I sold it again… Ooops.

I don’t think I’ve ever had the notification After the listings have already moved to Expired, I’m sure that in the past I had one day’s notice but please @folksycontent could you please make sure the email is sent out a day earlier in future so I have the chance to renew them before they expire.!

Hi Joy @JOYSofGLASS - just got that email today. It doesn’t really affect me as I make sure all my current listings are relisted regularly so the only ones that ever expire are out of stock or hidden (usually sold elsewhere) listings. However - the items in question say due to expire 8th Jan (today) and have not yet expired - I am assuming they will expire at midnight but will check later so all seems to be functioning OK here. Will keep an eye on it and let you know.

Roz Thanks for responding. I don’t usually need the email reminders, just been a bit busy last few weeks and forgot to do my periodic check at the end of the active listings.
Wonder if this happened because it was a Sunday ?

@dougfolksy @folksycontent Hi Doug, Camilla Please can you explain why on the 7th, Sunday, just after noon, all the listings shown as about to expire on the 7th in my support email were already moved to my Expired list ?
When do you normally run the process which ‘expires’ them ?

Joy @JOYSofGLASS - 5pm and just checked my listings - they are now in expired so obviously don’t move over at midnight. I wonder if it has anything to do with the time you list them.

Edit: I have another one due to expire tomorrow. If I remember I will try and keep an eye on when it moves over.

Thanks Roz, well that is just silly isn’t it. SHould not be time dependant, surely just a date check would suffice.
It needs to check for a full day earlier .
Slightly puzzled as to what time I would have relisted those as I was on holiday in Vaux sur Mer on the 7th September. Wonder if I got an expiry email when I switched on the laptop and thought at 9am oh dear better relist this little lot before they drop out to expired !
As I said not something which happens often fortunately as I’m usually careful to keep an eye out. And, still puzzled, I do usually check before I go on holiday that there is nothing about to expire while I’m away but… I was busy as we had a wedding on the 1st and then whizzed off to France.

Hi Joy. That listings notification shouldn’t be sent after the items have already expired! That’s very strange. We’re looking into what happened and I’ll get back to you. Sorry!

Thanks Camilla. They probably weren’t expired when it was sent but they were when I checked it at midday-ish. xx

Kept an eye on my listing today - was still there at 2:35 but moved to expired by 3:50pm so not sure that there is a specific time that they move or if there is it is a very random one!

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I think it could well equate to the time of listing as well as the date. It would explain it, just not a very useful selection for moving them !

Today I got an about to expire listing. It was sent at 2.47.

At 9.30 I went into my shop to renew the listings but couldn’t find them in my Active Listings (where it is easy to find and renew them)
They had already expired. About 2 pages of them but hard to pick out from other items with the same expire date which have been sold.

PLEASE PLEASE will you change either your selection criteria for the email or for actually expiring them so it gives me time to get out of bed and active myself before expiring them.
@dougfolksy @Folksyadmin @folksycontent

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Joy, doesn’t it have a zero by the item if it’s expired and sold out?

Yes but when have a screen full of other things with a one and not yet sold it’s very easy to accidentally pick a zero listing as well and miss one of the ones. I know cos I"ve done both.

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And somehow, somewhere along the way, I manage to loose listings altogether! I have to remember to sign in and out between every action, like if I want to take something away, I can’t then renew something or it disappears into the ether (hope I’ve spelt that right?)

Agreed, this is really annoying. I remember asking a while ago if we could improve how expired/sold out items are displayed and being told it was much more complicated than it sounds because of how listings/expiry work, but things may have changed - I’ll add it to the ‘to review’ list!

Hi Sian, I didn’t get an email to let me know one of my items was due to expire, or even expired.
I’ve relisted a couple of my purses this morning, and they are still on page 6, I thought they might be bumped up to page one for a while.

Sian it’s nothing to do with the way they are displayed. No problem with that.

This is an Error. THe email is sent out at 2.47 to say the items are due to expire and the items are already moved to the Expired folder by 9.30.
You need to change the selection date on the about to expire email to be a day hence or move them to the expired folder a day later.
They surely should not expire until midnight on the expiry date if that is the date you are listing them on the due to expire email.

I’m pretty sure changing a date selection for either is a very small change. Nothing at all like changing display coding.

Believe me, when you have as many listings as me, when this happens it really is quite a nightmare and even worse when sometime in the future someone buys something I’ve already sold as I accidentally relisted it or something sits sadly at the bottom of my box wondering why nobody wants it… because it didn’t get relisted.

Joy xx

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Problem with my listing has now been sorted. Thanks Folksy for your prompt attention to this.
That’s why I love Folksy.

Interestingly this one https://folksy.com/items/7135361-Elephant-Stained-Glass-Suncatcher-Handmade-026 due to expire on the 6th (would have done it yesterday but had enough trouble finding the already expired ones from the 5th) was listed as due to expire in my email today and was still in my active at 12.00. I’ve now renewed it.

Just a thought, Joy - why not relist the last page of your listings every day? Doesn’t take a moment (go to the Last page, click on the tick box at the top to relist them all - it doe the pagefull, not the whole shop); doesn’t cost anything with a Plus account; and you’ll cycle through your listings so they never get close to expiring.

I know it’s a workround rather than a fix, but it would also keep a pagefull of listings at the top of some of the searches too.