Tag advice wanted

i’ve used phrases and single words. there is plenty of room for phrases with each of the five you are allowed.

Somebody mentioned we should be using commas - is this correct? seems odd. where would these be typed?

also confused as to whether this is for folksy or google or both.

Just bumping this thread to the top.
Sian, is there any answer to this from @JamesB and @dougfolksy yet?
Thanks in advance


Actually they don’t. I just input my titles in with commas as a delineator. My tags come out perfect.

I believe that Google only reads a set amount of characters and this is where your descriptive words that are in your title. should be used. it will not read the whole page
I am not sure of the number but it equate to three of four sentences of reasonable length.

Hi Ali

Tags are purely for use in Folksy’s internal search and navigation.

You should continue to use key words and phrases (in context) in your item titles and descriptions as these will be picked up by Google.

Hope that helps!

I’ve been doing it all wrong then! I assumed there was no point in including words that were already in the title or description, but it seems that’s what I should be doing. Back to the drawing board!..

I have been putting in the tags, this, eg. Pinkbeadbracelet . Should it be pink, bead, bracelet, or pink bracelet, pink bead, or just single tag?
When I searched for the bracelet, I typed in pink bead bracelet and it was on the first page of the search. Luck???

Thanks for your reply Sian, so am I therefore presuming that the tags should be 1 word tags?

Tags have certainly increased my views, though not yet my sales

Still not sure about the one word tags. For example I make credit card holders and pin cushions. Can’t really see how tagging the former with the single words credit, card and holder is going to be very useful and to tag a pin cushion with the word “cushion” seems misleading!

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Wow Steve! Fantastic and I definitely won’t lynch you​:grin::grin::grin:
I did carry on with tagging, but decided not to do long continued words, but did small words, just like you said, so I’m hopeful that it will now work better, so, brilliant thxs!:+1:

I’ve used single words like ‘bag’ and 2 word with spaces like ‘blue bag’ or ‘tote bag’

I’m still trying to get to grips with tags.
So I’m hoping I’ve done it right.

I have done a mix of what is in the title and what the item is made of.
So hoping this is right.

Trail and error it’s like you say if it’s not working you can always change it.
Must admit I asked my sister and friend what they would put and they both said bespoke. as you can imagine not very helpful.
Especially as if you search bespoke you get over 1000 items.

Generally, yes! However, as with everything, there will be exceptions! Here are some examples of where two to three words would be more relevant than single words:

apple pie, bus stop, fax machine, cream tea, Ramsgate Royal Harbour, John O’Groats, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Leonardo Da Vinci, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom, Vase for Flowers, Bridesmaid Gift, Ceramic Vase, Pottery Mug


Brilliant. Thank you very much Sian :0)

I’m still a bit confused. On Folksy, does “jewellery” get picked up as “jewelry” as well? Similarly, what about plurals? I usually ask my daughter to describe my items for tagging purposes as she has a completely different vocabulary!


Just out of interest …you say you don’t bother to tag with a word/words that are in the title/description/colour box etc. However my understanding was that the more often a word appears the further up the search you appear. So, if someone did a search for a word, say “handbag” and that word was only in your title your item may be many pages down, if however it was in title and description it will move up the search results, the more its mentioned the further up it goes and adding it to your tags will improve its chances still further. Maybe I’ve completely misunderstood - quite likely!

Eek! Just realised one of my shops had no tags in it!!. Updated all listings now.

Oops, make that both shops with little or no tags.

Still can’t work it out - just listed a scarf

In title the word scarf appears once, in description it appears 5 times. I have also included the word scarf on its own in tags.

A search of the word scarf brings my item up 3rd - the two ahead of it have

Scarf in title : 1st item - once, (twice if you include plural) and 2nd item - 3 times
Scarf in description: 1st item - once and 2nd item - 5 times (6 including plural)
Neither item has any tags

I have tried increasing the number of times the word scarf appears in the title and description but can not get it any higher up the rankings - not that I’m really worried as 3rd is fine for me but just can’t work out what affects its positioning!