Who's had a sale this week?

No - not a sniff of a sale here or anywhere else … ho hum. Starting to wonder about calling it a day, but probably a bit early in the year for that. Onwards :smile:

With you there @CalyxHandmadeJewellery but lets try and send positive vibes to each other :wink:
keep smiling and bead on!

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Yeah keep going everyone, January is the worst month for sales, December drains people pockets, and a lot of people were paid early and having to wait for their wages, I haven’t sold any Just jet but I will, lets keep positive.


Nope, but I’ve bought stuff. If everyone bought one thing, then a lot more people would get a sale…


I closed my shop for two weeks over Christmas, so it always takes a little while to recover. But I’ve got British Crafters doing promotions for me this week and views are way up, so fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Does it bring you sales too @rosesworkshop as I have seen the name a lot but not sure what they do?

I sold a couple of things this week to a regular buyer but otherwise it’s my quietest time for ages.

I’ve been unlucky for all of December. I know January is slow, just hoping I’m not wasting time and money stocking my shop. But, I must believe in myself. :smile:

Hi @Amberlilly British Crafters do the promotion I know I should do but never seem to get around to on FB, twitter, pinterest, several times on your chosen day. Obviously they don’t guarantee sales, but my Folksy shop has practically zero views without promotion, so I have to do something. I think only ebay gets you sales without work, but they take a hefty fee for the privilege

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Must have been us mentioning a few days ago on this thread that it was the quietest week for us for months, because I’ve had a couple since then too :smile:


No :frowning: not this week.

No I’ve not had any sales in here for a while! Good to hear that other people are though, there is always hope for the rest of us!


Hi everyone.
Iv had my first two sales this year. Yay.
I am very very happy.


Update on my previous post - views up 82% on last week, and a sale too :slight_smile:

Views are increasing but still no sales.

Doing the happy dance I’ve just sold 4 items to one customer :smile:


No had no sales from Folksy this year, let alone this week at all yet, but thankfully had 2 from my other online store, yes the American version of Folksy.
It doesn’t help when I can’t edit any listings, and I haven’t been able to update anything for ages because when I try to edit or list an item I get " the page cannot be found " no help at all !!!

I would contact admin with your problem of unable to edit

thanks Eileen, maybe I should, as I seem to have unbilled items from November, something must be wrong !!!

I have had the same problem with editing my listings, I have contacted admin, but they have not been much help. In the end I had to delete the listing and re-list it which is very frustrating. The other thing you could try is deleting your browsing history and cache, that may help.
Esterina x