So quiet this year

That’s a very good point actually Kim. I’d considered the competition from the shops opening up again to be the main cause of the slump in sales. However, I was puzzled as the slump didn’t happen after the first lockdown. Your theory makes more sense of it though, as people have been restricted for so much longer this time, and wanting to spend money on socialising and holidays is probably a high priority for many people.


Hello everyone! Very quiet for me too, despite being a featured maker earlier in the year. I had a few sales from that but once those promotions stopped, nothing! I had thought perhaps reaching those highs might kick start my shop for regular sales but it just hasn’t been the case. I think perhaps, as everyone says, the scales have tipped but hopefully things will balance out again :relaxed:. Bee x


Ah that makes sense Kim. X


I’m finding the same thing, haven’t sold anything for nearly 3 months! It’s never been this bad before.

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So yesterdays craft fair. It was a moderate footfall (we’ve had better but we’ve had worse). There didn’t seem to be a lot of buying all round. I sold quite a few crystals, no jewellery but I did get a couple of commissions. I covered my stall fee, which is always a good start, and made a very small profit. Two weeks to go to the next one.


Well done. I’m glad you had some sales that’s always a confidence boost. Good luck for the next one


Yes I had 2 quick sales at once and now nothing at all and not many people popping into the shop either I’m pretty new to folksy I’ve been here I guess a few months now so I’m giving it a bit of time for now and see how it goes, hope things pick up for everyone soon xxxx

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I thought it was just me! I haven’t had a sale since February :frowning:, although people have been favourite-ing my shop and products. I even checked whether my shop was on holiday mode, but no. I tried running a discount offer for a month and even that didn’t produce any sales. I despair :joy:


Same for me. Been nothing here for a long while. However, after a very quiet period, I’ve had a spate of sales on the ‘dark side’ without any different input from me so let’s hope that spreads over to Folksy soon! We can always hope!:wink::blush:


Yes, very quiet for me here. I do OK elsewhere but not here. Probably need to do some more social networking but it’s hard sometimes and quite demoralising.


I’m so glad you asked this question because I was ready for giving up earlier this week , thinking I was doing something wrong or my products were rubbish , as I’ve had no sales for a while and it’s SO disheartening! I realize now we are ALL struggling and we’ve just gotta dig deep and carry on hoping once the novelty of going out shopping again has worn off they will return to online handmade xxxx


No, no @woofsandwool ! Please don’t give up! Your stuff is the opposite of ‘rubbish’ - I can attest to that, having one of your lovely crochet garlands strung across my bed! That’s one thing that’s great about Folksy, we can all share our woes and joys together, and feel supported. It will get better, as you say, we are all in the same boat. Let’s hope for fine sailing weather soon! :wink::blush:


This thread is great, even inspired me to add a piece from my new range. We gotta keep on keeping on. Stay strong everyone


Thankyou kindly :relaxed: That’s lovely of you to say so xxx


Can anyone beat this? Haven’t had a sale since early March (over 3 months) !! :sleepy::confused::sob:

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29th March for me. Miserable isn’t it. :cry:

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The only comfort I take from this is that I’m not the only one. It can be a lonely place sometimes when you are a lone maker and you wonder if you’re doing it all wrong!
There’s some fantastic talent on here and I don’t think it’s necessarily anything anyone is doing wrong. Far from it. I guess we have to hope it will pick up. I have been quiet the last couple of months and only sell small amounts anyway.
I sell soap as well as butters and salves and yet nobody seems to be buying soap anymore? The safety assessments are expensive and can really add up and soap is an expensive product to make so this has been quite disheartening for me. The butters on the other hand seem to be more popular. Like someone else said I guess we have to keep plugging away.
Good luck my friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Big group hug folks! xx


People are more interested in holidays and they are dearer this year, so buying is not on the cards atm. Let’s hope better nearer Christmas.

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28th February was my last sale.

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